Copyright Lexabean, LLC

Lexabean Fitness

Training Plans For runners of all levels
What is a tempo run? A tempo run is a type of a speed workout where you maintain for 20 - 60 minutes a pace of 80-90% of a recent 10k or about 25-30 seconds slower than your 5k pace. This type of run is designed to help you run faster for longer periods and is especially helpful when training for long-distance races.
Training Plan Contact us for our 5k Training Plans, 10k Training Plans, Marathon Training Plans and everything in between.
Speed Training Speed Training
Copyright Lexabean, LLC
Training Plan Contact us for our 5k Training Plans, 10k Training Plans, Marathon Training Plans and everything in between.
Speed Training Speed Training
What is a tempo run? A tempo run is a type of a speed workout where you maintain for 20 - 60 minutes a pace of 80-90% of a recent 10k or about 25-30 seconds slower than your 5k pace. This type of run is designed to help you run faster for longer periods and is especially helpful when training for long-distance races.

Lexabean Fitness